10 Questions for B. Clay Moore

B. Clay MooreB. Clay Moore is a prolific writer known for a variety of projects including Hawaiian Dick, Expatriate, Battle Hymn, ’76 (all for Image), Superman Confidential, JSA Classified (for DC), Casey Blue: Beyond Tomorrow (WildStorm), Black Vault (Top Cow), and The Leading Man (Oni). In addition, he has an upcoming project for Oni called Billy Smoke.

Clay lives in suburban Kansas City. You can find out more about his work at bclaymoore.wordpress.com and www.hawaiiandick.com.

Question 1: When did you first decide that you wanted to create your own comics for a living?

Several years ago I was dabbling in comic book writing, and whining to my pal J. Torres about whatever crap job I was working at the time, and he said, “Have you thought about writing comics full-time?” It was the first time I remember thinking that I should figure out a way to make that happen. So, as I got more involved in the industry, I began to angle toward finding ways to do comics full time. I sucked at everything else I ever did, so…

Then again, as a kid my goal was to be John Byrne.

Question 2: Who has had the biggest influence on you outside the comics industry, and how did they affect your life?

My parents. Whether they understood the decisions I made in life or not, they always supported me. My mother, who passed away in late 2007, encouraged my creativity from an early age, and always stood up for me when I needed help (which, frankly, was a lot of the time). She was a very creative person herself. My father has the most intimidating work ethic I’ve ever seen, and has achieved tremendous success through hard work and dedication. But he always tempered his business and political success with a commitment to the community and to helping improve the lives of those around him. Despite all that, his dream job is to be the drummer for the Rolling Stones. His sense of humor and enthusiasm for life has had a big impact on myself, and I think my sister would say the same thing.

Question 3: Who has had the biggest influence on your comics career, and how has that person changed your work?

That’s hard to say. I guess Eric Stephenson and J. Torres had the biggest direct impacts on my career, J. by pushing me out there and helping pull back the curtain on the industry, and Eric with his support of my work at Image and friendship over the years.

In terms of influence, I think I absorb a little bit from everything I read, see or hear. Speaking strictly in terms of comics…as a kid, it was Stan Lee, the Byrne/Austin X-Men, Steve Gerber, Roger Stern and Bill Mantlo that turned me on. Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing and Grant Morrison’s Animal Man completely turned my head around and made me realize what kind of potential there was in “mainstream” comics. And then James Robinson’s Starman, combined with Warren Ellis’s StormWatch, DV8 and Authority, helped point me in the direction I wanted to head.

Ellis, in particular, taught me how dialogue could be used to develop a character in relative shorthand.

Question 4: What do you do to recharge your creative batteries?

Hawaiian DickI usually stop writing and dig out some inspirational movie or book. Or, more and more, some well written television series (usually British these days). Right now I’m knee-deep in Band of Brothers, which is the kind of thing that just fuels the creative fire.

Question 5: Describe your typical work routine.

I don’t have one, to be honest. Generally I type up a loose idea, think about it for ages, do a rough outline. Then, when inspiration strikes, I’ll usually just plow through a script in one sitting. Sometimes I’ll tackle a script in pieces, though, scripting a scene here and a bit there, and then editing all of that when I sit down to finish it. My “rewrites” usually consist of minor tweaks. One of my goals for 2009 is to develop a more consistent routine.

Question 6: What writing, drawing, or other tools do you use?

Moleskine notebooks and a Sony Vaio laptop. I’m kind of a journal freak, though, so I’m always picking up interesting looking journals. So I have notes on various projects scattered throughout numerous half-full journals.

JSA ClassifiedQuestion 7: What element of your work gives you the most personal satisfaction?

I love reading something I wrote months ago and finding myself entertained by the dialogue. I think dialogue is my strong suit, so it makes me feel good to read something I’d totally forgotten about writing and getting a kick out of it.

Yeah, I’m the dude who picks up his own books in the shop and chuckles over them. What a dick.

I suppose I get my greatest satisfaction, though, from developing a good plot. Plotting is harder work.

Question 8: What has been the most rewarding project in your professional career – in or out of comics – and why?

Oh, I don’t know. I kind of feel like that’s still on the horizon. Hawaiian Dick makes me very proud. We’ve published twelve issues and two trades, despite a billion setbacks and hardships, and there’s more to come. I just love writing that book.

I’m developing something right now that I hope will turn out to be the feather in my cap thus far.

Question 9: We’ve all met very talented newcomers who are trying to get their first professional projects. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard given to a promising new creator?

Do the work.

Question 10: Time to get philosophical: What’s the most important “big idea” that you’ve learned in life – in or out of comics – and why is it important?

Oh, man. I don’t know. My life philosophies haven’t always held up under fire. My one unwavering “philosophy” is that ultimately, what you accomplish in life is up to you and you alone. In comics there’s a lot of whining about how “unfair” the business is, but, you know…what is fair in life?

If one avenue is shut down, build your own damn road.

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10 Questions for Rob Davis

Daughter of DraculaRob Davis is an illustrator with credits including Star Trek (DC), Star Trek: The Next Generation (DC), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Malibu), Scimidar (Malibu), and Pirates of Dark Water (Marvel). The Missouri-based artist’s recent projects include Daughter of Dracula with Ron Fortier and the upcoming Robyn of Sherwood: The Reboot with Paul Storrie.

Rob isn’t just an accomplished illustrator, he’s also a long-time friend of Comics Career. In fact, he drew the cover of Comics Career Newsletter #1 (April, 1988). You can find illustrations and links to his work on his blog.

Question 1: When did you first decide that you wanted to create your own comics for a living?

At eight years old!

Question 2: Who has had the biggest influence on you outside the comics industry, and how did they affect your life?

My parents, for the obvious reasons.

Question 3: Who has had the biggest influence on your comics career, and how has that person changed your work?

Presently it’s Ron Fortier who has pushed me in new directions with his constant fountain of ideas that he’s anxious for me to do — too many for me to actually keep up with.

Question 4: What do you do to recharge your creative batteries?

Read a good book.

Question 5: Describe your typical work routine.

When I was full-time freelance it was up around 8:30, 9:00 a.m. quick breakfast and then to the drawing table for at least 4 hours. Lunch, read e-mail/online news then back to the drawing board for off and on until 10:00 p.m. with plenty of mental and physical breaks.

Question 6: What writing, drawing, or other tools do you use?

My art tools are constantly changing. My one regular tool is Photoshop, which I use on nearly everything I do these days. Otherwise it is whatever will put the line down on the bristol board (I’m still not totally digital, I like the tactile feedback of working on the drawing board on a sheet of paper).

Question 7: What element of your work gives you the most personal satisfaction?

Nearly every facet. It would be hard to pinpoint one aspect that outshines the others.

Question 8: What has been the most rewarding project in your professional career – in or out of comics – and why?

Daughter of Dracula, it took two years of steady weekly pagework and is the most detailed and original project I’ve ever tackled.

Question 9: We’ve all met very talented newcomers who are trying to get their first professional projects. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard given to a promising new creator?

The “Five P’s”: Polite Persistence Prevents Poor Performance, or Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice. If you truly believe you are destined to work in comics you will stay with it until it happens.

Question 10: Time to get philosophical: What’s the most important “big idea” that you’ve learned in life – in or out of comics – and why is it important?

Do what you love and the money will follow — just don’t expect to become a billionaire that way. 🙂

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10 Questions for Phil Hester

Phil HesterComicsCareer.Com is asking professional comics creators to answer 10 questions. Our first featured creator is writer/artist Phil Hester. Phil is based in small town Iowa, and his credits include Swamp Thing, Green Arrow, The Wretch, Nightwing, Superman Confidential, Ant-Man, Taboo, The Coffin, The Darkness, Firebreather, Golly, and much more.

Look for his current pencilling work in El Diablo (DC) and his writing in The Darkness (Top Cow), Golly (Image), Firebreather (Image), and Masquerade (Dynamite).

You can find out more about Phil and his work at shocktraumastudios.com

Question 1: When did you first decide that you wanted to create your own comics for a living?

Probably age twelve, maybe eleven. I had all those crazy Marvel stickers from the 70’s plastered on my dresser and after countless hours of idle gazing it dawned on me that each was drawn in a different style. I started paying attention to the credits in comics and began to daydream about being there myself.

Question 2: Who has had the biggest influence on you outside the comics industry, and how did they affect your life?

My wife for never questioning what I was doing with my life even when she probably should have. Her constant patience and support give me a safe harbor when the comics business kicks me in the ego or wallet (Hint: often).

Question 3: Who has had the biggest influence on your comics career, and how has that person changed your work?

My inker partner Ande Parks. I was very shy at the beginning of my comics career and had to be prodded into talking to other pros. Ande’s a very confident guy, at least he projects confidence, and he sort of pushed me into doing things like going to New York to look for work or chatting up editors at cons.

We also have a shared aesthetic that grew out of our collaboration and pulled me toward a more minimalist, high contrast style than I would have developed on my own. My early, early work looks like a feeble imitation of Mike Ploog, but after working with Ande for twenty years I’ve honed a modern, hard edged style with its roots in the old school economical ideals of Toth or Wood. All that said, I think spending countless childhood afternoons soaking up Kirby comics might have made the most indelible mark on my artistic mind.

Question 4: What do you do to recharge your creative batteries?

I stop working. I work a lot, so taking a day off really clears my head.

Question 5: Describe your typical work routine.

Kids on the bus at 8. I try to write until noon or so, then switch to drawing until the kids get home at 3:30. I go back to work, usually drawing, from 10 until I can’t stay awake. I quit caffeine a year or so ago, so that’s usually 1 AM at the latest.

Question 6: What writing, drawing, or other tools do you use?

I don’t have any kick-ass writing tools. I mean, I have a template that I print out so i can draw little thumbnail layouts to accompany my scripts, but I don’t have any cool screenwriting or comics writing program. Does anyone?

I draw on smooth Strathmore 400 series bristol. Ply matters not. I do small thumbnails then sketch directly on the board with non-photo blue (Staedtler), then do finished pencils with a plain old Dixon Ticonderoga #2 school pencil, Bruynzeel Design F, or mechanical pencil with a Pentel .5 mm F or HB lead.

Question 7: What element of your work gives you the most personal satisfaction?

I love storytelling, so the thumbnail stage is always my favorite. I am not a big fan of my draughtsmanship skills, so everything looks its best before I start pencilling proper.

I enjoy writing and drawing short stories a lot, so whenever I get the chance to do that (like in The Wretch, or Postcards) I’m most in my element.

Question 8: What has been the most rewarding project in your professional career – in or out of comics – and why?

As a writer probably The Coffin with Mike Huddleston or Firebreather with Andy Kuhn. As an artist probably the Daredevil vs Magdalena crossover I did last year. As both writer and artist probably the short story I did for Postcards: True Stories That Never Happened.

Question 9: We’ve all met very talented newcomers who are trying to get their first professional projects. What’s the best advice you’ve ever heard given to a promising new creator?

Don’t wait for anyone’s permission to do your thing. Just go. Make mistakes. No one’s keeping score. Nothing teaches like work, so put yourself to work. Now.

Question 10: Time to get philosophical: What’s the most important “big idea” that you’ve learned in life – in or out of comics – and why is it important?

Be sweeter.

Which is a simpler way of restating that old saying of Plato’s “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Or Jesus’ “Do unto others…” Or Vonnegut’s “God damn it, babies, you’ve got to be kind.” Being alive is sometimes very scary and very discouraging, so the best thing we can do for each other is offer comfort, either through art (doesn’t mean it has to be comforting art, just engaging), friendship, good works, whatever. I forget all this immediately in traffic.

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