B. Clay Moore saves the day for Doc Savage

Writer B. Clay Moore stepped in to create a fill-in issue of DC Comics’ Doc Savage #5, which will hit local comic shops in August. In a recent blog post Moore expressed enthusiasm for the project. “Obviously, it was lots of fun to be involved in the First Wave universe, and I’m hopeful it won’t be the last time I get to do so.” The issue was solicited with a story by a different writer, so anyone who follows Moore likely missed getting it pre-ordered.

Bits o’ News

  • The Bad News: Jason Aaron’s series Wolverine Weapon X will end with #16. The Great News: Jason Aaron will be writing a brand new Wolverine #1 directly after the conclusion of the current series. DigitalSpy interviewed Jason about the reboot.
  • B. Clay Moore hinted on Facebook that he will be writing a fill-in featuring “another great old DC character.”
  • Our friends at MidMoCoCo.com report on a comic art show running in St. Charles, Missouri, through July 31st.

Planet Comicon Sunday Photos

[singlepic id=85 w=320 h=240 float=right]Sunday at Planet Comicon wasn’t as packed as Saturday, but don’t think for a minute that it wasn’t fun. I’m a little biased since I coordinated the panel programming, but I believe Planet Comicon 2010 was the biggest, best comics convention that Kansas City has ever seen.


Were you there? Give us your feedback. What can we do next year to make it even better. Be sure to contact the convention organizer Chris Jackson at chris@planetcomicon.com. I’d also like to hear your comments on the programming in the panel room: kirk@kansascitycomics.com.

Photo gallery after the jump…

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